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Version: 0.1.0

Release Notes

Version 1.2.9​

  • πŸš› πŸ₯‚ Shipped Aug, 2023 for Web, iOS, Android.
  • Uses new WhatsApp verification. No more SMS verification hell.
  • Bug fixes and optimizations.

Version 1.1.0​

Karma Coin App Release Notes

  • πŸš› πŸ₯‚ Shipped April 21st, 2023.
  • πŸ§±β›“οΈ Runs on the Karmachain 1.0 Mainnet πŸŽ‰πŸΎπŸŽŠπŸ₯³.

Getting The App​

  • Web app - Works in Chrome and in Safari browsers on desktop and mobile. No download needed.
  • iOS app - Available via Testflight. Works on iPhones and on Macs with Apple Silicon.
  • Android app - for Android devices.

New Features​

  • Running on Karmachain 1.0 mainnet - no more testnets :-)
  • Simple account migration. If you moved to a new device or just lost access to your Karma Coin account, just sign-up again with your mobile phone number to migrate your old account to a new one. Your user-name, karma score, balance and appreciations will be restored. So you don't need to restore old account which is more work and not very user-friendly. Before this change a new account will be created and the old one left on the blockchain for later restoration.
  • Change your user-name at any time to an available one. Just click/tap on the Change User Name command from the actions menu and enter a requested user-name and clil/tap Update.

Bug Fixes​

  • Fix a display issue in the about screen.

Version 1.0.10​

  • πŸš› πŸ₯‚ Shipped April 19th, 2023 for Web, iOS, Android.
  • πŸ§±β›“οΈ Running on the Karmachain 1.0 testnet.
  • πŸ“±βœ‹ Run the app on your device.

New Features​

  • Appreciation Text messages. When you appreciate someone who's not on Karma Coin yet, that person will receive a text message about your appreciation with a link to get the app. Once signed up, the appreciation will be automatically added to the recipient's account.

Bug Fixes​

  • Improve sms code verification control. Enable one-tap sms code paste from keyboard on iOS and Android.

Version 1.0.9​

  • πŸš› πŸ₯‚ Shipped April 18th, 2023 for Web, iOS, Android.
  • πŸ§±β›“οΈ Running on the Karmachain 1.0 testnet.
  • πŸ“±βœ‹ Run the app on your device.

Bug Fixes​

  • Fix user-name and sms code screens bugs. Finally!

Version 1.0.8​

  • πŸš› πŸ₯‚ Shipped April 18th, 2023 for Web, iOS, Android.
  • πŸ§±β›“οΈ Running on the Karmachain 1.0 testnet.
  • πŸ“±βœ‹ Run the app on your device.

New Features​

  • Display transactions fees in the transaction details screen.
  • New Karma Rewards benefits screen - displayed once per user after sign-up and also available from the actions menu.
  • Nicer signup screen with the ambient Karma background animation.

Bug Fixes​

  • Use user-provided transaction fees in user generated appreciations and transactions. Fee was ignored in previous versions.
  • Fix restore account advanced feature. If you back your account you should be able to restore on any device.

Version 1.0.7​

  • πŸš› πŸ₯‚ Shipped April 13th, 2023 for Web, iOS, Android.
  • πŸ§±β›“οΈ Running on the Karmachain 1.0 testnet.
  • πŸ“±βœ‹ Run the app on your device.


This is a minor release with emphasize on look and feel.

New Features​

  • Click/tap on your karma coins balance to view your detailed balance and account details.
  • New main screen ambient background animation to make looking at the main screen a bit more fun and relaxing.

Version 1.0.6​

  • πŸš› πŸ₯‚ Shipped April 9th, 2023 for Web, iOS, Android.
  • πŸ§±β›“οΈ Running on the Karmachain 1.0 testnet.
  • πŸ“±βœ‹ Run the app on your device.

New Features​

  • Appreciate any phone contact (native mobile app only). Just tap/click the 'Contact' button in the appreciation screen and select from your phone contacts. No manual phone number entry needed.
  • Appreciate any Karma Coin user by selecting from a list of existing users. Tap/click on the 'User' button and select a user. Optionally search for user by user-name to find a specific user to appreciate.
  • Send Karma Coin feature improvements - select a Karma Coin user or a phone contact (native app only) to send coins to, so manual phone number entry is no longer required to appreciate.
  • Karma Rewards Leaderboard - Click/tap your Karma Score in the main screen to access the new leaderboard screen. The leaderboard displays users who are currently eligible for next round of Karma Rewards. On the current testnet, any user who sent 2 appreciations that were received by another user are eligible and awards are minted via Karma Mining every 48 hours. Additional info:
  • Improved look of all major screen headers.
  • Smoother screen animations.

New Community Features​

  • Community members can now easily appreciate other members by tapping/clicking the 'Community Member' button in a community appreciate screen, so no manual phone number entry is needed.
  • Community admins can now easily appreciate any of their phone contacts in the native mobile app by tapping/clicking on the 'Contact' button in the community appreciate screen and selecting a contact, so mobile phone numbers entry is not needed.
  • Community members can now browse all members by tapping/clicking on the new members button on the top-right of the community main screen. Just tap on any member to appreciate him in the community. Quickly find a specific member by entering its user-name in the members search text box.
  • Community Admins can now make any community member a community admin by long-tapping/pressing the member in the members screen.


Copyright (c) 2022 by the Karma Coin Authors. This work is licensed under the Karma Coin License.